A Prayer for Preemies

A Prayer for Preemies

Monday, December 20, 2010

Olivia is a chunky monkey!!! :)

So Miss Olivia is now weighing 3 pounds and 10 ounces! I am so excited. She is finally getting up there. Her little cheeks are filling out and she is just adorable. She is taking her bottles very good still and is now up to three bottles a day. Over the weekend i was giving her a bottle and she finished the whole thing in 7 minutes. We were shocked. She must be getting the hang of this a bit more. :) I am so proud of my babygirl.

She was not feeling very well yesterday. She just seemed very tired and she looked kinda pale so today they are checking her blood to see if she is low on red blood cells. The nurse said she is showing symptoms that she is low so she will more than likely get another blood transfusion today. It should make her feel better and hopefully help her get off of the oxygen a bit better. Dr. Pickett is supposed to come in today to look at Olivia's head and take the stitches out. I hope he still thinks her head is doing good. Please pray with me that she will not have to have the permanent shunt placed. I just really don't want her to have to go through that. Please everyone pray that she will not have to have that done.

Santa will be visiting the NICU today. It is going to be so cute. He is taking pictures with all of the babies. Im so excited ........... Liv's first picture with Santa! That will definitly be going in the scrapbook.

Thank you to everyone who has donated for the wubbanubs! They are ordered and should be in any day now. I will post a picture of all of them when i get them in. I am so happy with the turnout and i can't thank yall enough for all of your donations to help make this come true.

I love you Olivia

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