A Prayer for Preemies

A Prayer for Preemies

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Kangaroo Care.....

Melissa got to spend a hour holding Olivia Jane on her bare chest today for "kangaroo care". Olivia tried hard to keep her little eyes open and try to look at her mommy, but just could not last. She fell fast asleep on Melissa as she just rocked Olivia, and held her close for a whole hour. After the hour was up, the nurse took Olivia back to put her in her bed, and Olivia whimpered....as if she was saying that she wasn't ready to leave her mommy! As of 5:30pm, Melissa called to check on Olivia, and she was fast asleep. The nurse told her that preemies tend to do that after "kangaroo care". It is like having a good dose a "mommy" before bed.

Speaking of bed, Olivia's bed got face-life! She is now in an isolette, which is another version of an incubator, but it is a step-up. The isolette is also the same bed that she will be in once she is strong and healthy enough to go to Progressive Neonatal Intensive Care. Please continue to pray for Olivia and that she keeps doing so well! Thank you all for your prayers! I love you Olivia Jane!

~Aunt Jessie

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