A Prayer for Preemies

A Prayer for Preemies

Friday, January 14, 2011

She's home! Thank you God!

I spoke to my sister this morning and Olivia Jane is doing great! Olivia went to see her pediatrician yesterday morning and Liv weighs 4 pounds and 12 ounces! Go Liv!! The NICU doctors said that it would be best for all of us to stay away for a few months so that we do not give her any "bugs". I totally agree but it is still very hard to stay away! :~( Olivia is still on oxygen via nasal cannula and will be for a awhile as well as a monitor.

I will get pictures of Olivia in her new home as soon as I can get with my sister. They are playing "hermit crab" right now and for good reason! I didn't want anyone to think that we are done with giving all of you updates and praises for praying. I am so thankful for you guys and all of your prayers! Thank you God for my sweet Olivia Jane! Savannah is so happy to be a big sissy and for her lil' sissy to be home. She has been changing diapers and loving it!

Hopefully, I will have pictures very soon, and also have pictures of the Wabbanubs! I have not forgotten to put those up, but I have just not had a minute to do it! Again, thank you for your prayers! I love you Olivia Jane and I am so happy that you are home angel!

~Aunt Jessie

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for Missy and Olivia!
    Can't wait for the pictures.
    Maybe by the time we are able to visit, she will be able to have visitors.
