Olivia is going to have a subgaleal ventricular shunt, which is a temporary bypass of the normal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pathways. This will be used until she is big enough for a normal shunt. Please pray that everything goes wonderfully! We were at first told that she was going to have surgery first thing in the morning, but we have recently been told that she would not have surgery until tomorrow afternoon. Melissa is really upset because we were hoping that Olivia would be able to have the surgery in the morning. This means that Olivia will not get to eat from midnight tonight until Monday or Tuesday of next week.
The upside of the surgery is that after all is said and done, Olivia should breath better on her own without assistance from the nasal cannula and should eat even better along with weight gain. She has also been moved back to the Neonatal Intensive Care from the Progressive Care. It will depend on how well Olivia does after surgery on when she can move back to Progressive. Please pray that Olivia pulls through the surgery! Dr. Pickett is doing the surgery so please pray for him too! Thank you for all of your prayers, and I will keep you updated tomorrow as I know things as well. We are praying for you sweet Olivia Jane! I love you!
~Aunt Jessie
Praying for you sweet Olivia!